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Trudeau announces Oceans Protection Plan 2.0 | FULL

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was on Bowen Island, B.C. Tuesday morning to make an announcement about the federal government’s Oceans Protection Plan.

Trudeau announced the next stage of the plan, calling it 2.0 with another two billion dollars in funding allocated for the project.

“We’ll take action to combat emerging threats to our marine safety and ecosystems and we’ll strengthen partnerships with Indigenous peoples who must be our partners and in many ways, our leaders, as we move forward on protecting these extraordinary ecosystems,” Trudeau said.

The plan also includes the Salish Sea Strategy, which Trudeau said will continue to protect and restore the ecosystem in a way that respects Indigenous and treaty rights and traditional knowledge.

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/8984940/senate-committee-report-ottawa-first-nations-fishers/

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