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COVID-19: Boris Johnson reverses course on vaccine passports for England | FULL

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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the government was scrapping the plans for a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine passport system that would have been used in England for entry into nightclubs and other crowded events, though he cautioned it was not yet completely off the table.

Johnson said they would be focusing on "Plan A," which would involve promoting vaccines, and continuing testing and isolation rules. "Plan B" aims to prevent the National Health Service (NHS) from being overwhelmed and could include such a certification program. He emphasized how "smaller changes" can have a big impact presently, due to vaccinations. Mandating face coverings would also be something kept in reserve if needed.

"It's just not sensible to rule out this option now when we must face the fact that it might make the difference between keeping businesses open at full capacity or not," he said.

The prime minister also announced that those 12-15 years of age would be able to now get a COVID-19 vaccine jab, and the country would be moving forward with a booster program for those 50 and older and those under 50 considered more vulnerable, taken six months after the second jab.

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/8185848/covid-uk-boris-johnson-plan-lockdown/

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