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Nova Scotia mass shooting inquiry takes questions on final report as reaction pours in | FULL

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The Mass Casualty Commission is calling for a clearer definition of the relationship between the federal minister of public safety and the commissioner of the RCMP. Families of the victims, their lawyers, and Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston reacted to the findings of the final report.

The Mass Casualty Commission, which examined the circumstances and aftermath of the April 2020 mass shooting in Nova Scotia, recommended that the RCMP Act should clarify that the top Mountie should act according to written directions of the minister, instead of under the minister's direction.

The federal-provincial inquiry examined the events surrounding the 13-hour rampage that began in the community of Portapique, N.S., and ended when the RCMP gunned down the 51-year-old killer at a gas station about 55 kilometres south.

The public inquiry’s mandate included examinations of the police response, the killer’s access to firearms, gender-based violence, the assistance offered to those most affected, and the steps taken to inform the public as the rampage unfolded.

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/9589434/final-report-2020-nova-scotia-mass-shooting/

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