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Nova Scotia marks 1st anniversary of mass shooting with ceremony in Truro | FULL

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Sunday marked on year since the Nova Scotia mass shooting, one of Canada’s deadliest mass murders, and the province and nation came together to commemorate the tragedy.

A memorial service at Truro’s First United Church included a provincewide moment of silence as the ceremony began. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also spoke, honouring the victims of the tragedy and telling family and friends: “You are not alone.”

On April 18, 2020, a gunman dressed as an RCMP officer driving a replica cruiser assaulted his common-law spouse in Portapique – a small rural community outside of Halifax – and embarked on a 13-hour shooting and arson spree.

The events of those two days would give Nova Scotia a distinction no one wanted: Canada’s deadliest rampage killing.

In total, 22 people were killed at 16 separate crime scenes as the gunman drove through backroads and rural communities.

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/7767400/1st-anniversary-nova-scotia-shooting/
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