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George W Bush condemns Russian ‘invasion’ of Ukraine (Full show)

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The so-called Doomsday Clock is currently 100 seconds before midnight – the closest it’s ever been. Meanwhile, the hypocrisy of the world’s countries is on full display as all talk diplomacy without actually practicing it. RT America’s Faran Fronczak explains. (00:10) RT’s Charlotte Dubenskij reports from Europe as the EU mulls further sanctions on Russia, which it admits “will come at a cost” to its own citizens. (04:10) Meanwhile, the EU is sending up to 500 million euros’ worth of weaponry to embattled Ukraine. Then RT's Murad Gazdiev reports from the wartorn Donetsk People’s Republic on the heartbreaking situation of civilians caught in the crossfire. (08:52)

Then investigative journalist Ben Swann, former Pentagon official Michael Maloof and Jeremy Kuzmarov of CovertAction Magazine join to discuss the likelihood of US intervention in Russia, the desperation of mainstream news media to retain the misplaced faith of viewers, and the probable “grand plan” of the US establishment, “using Ukraine as bait to contain Russia.” (11:07)

Then RT America’s Paxton Boyd reports on Washington’s enhanced security measures ahead of the looming arrival of “People’s Convoy” protesters ( 21:37) before RT America’s John Huddy catches us up with what to expect from President Biden’s first State of the Union address and his performance in office.(23:28)

00:00 Full Show
00:10 Doomsday Clock
04:10 Even More Sanctions
08:52 Caught Between Frontlines
11:07 CovertAction
21:37 All Set For SOTU
23:28 State Of The Economy

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