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Ukrainians flood Polish border, Donbass refugees head to Russia amid intensified fighting(FULL SHOW)

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Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov -- spoke to the UN about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. This -- a day after peace talks with Ukraine, as Russia is continuing its military operations in that country. Fierce battles are being reported within Ukraine, while hundreds of thousands of its citizens attempt to flee the violence. RT’s Alex Mihailovich has the story. (1:02) Reports of explosions Tuesday--- taking out Ukrainian television stations in Kiev. RT's Maria Finoshina has the very latest. (4:30) In the Donetsk People's Republic --civilians are trying to survive in the conflict zone - as cities and towns are caught between the front lines - with battles raging on. Local residents are terrified - with people's lives and homes still being lost -- eight years after Ukrainian military and militias began indiscriminately bombing Donbass. RT correspondent Murad Gazdiev reports. (7:22) From thirst traps - to outright censorship -- Western media and big tech overlords are working overtime to control the narrative. People recently tweeting about how “hot” Volodymyr Zelensky is -- the comedic actor turned president of Ukraine. The idolization of presidents continues now in Ukraine. Attorney and media analyst – Lionel and host of Watching the Hawks Tyrel Ventura weigh in. (15:04)

00:00 Full Show
01:02 Ukraine Crisis
04:30 Ukrainian Television Station Explosion
07:22 Bombing in Donbass
15:04 Tyrel Ventura and Lionel Discuss

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