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Ukraine and NATO stir up fears of WW3 with Russia (full show)

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NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg held a press conference earlier Thursday with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Brussels, during the conference Stoltenberg made it very clear that NATO is leaving the option to expand its borders on the table. Russia saying that NATO entering Ukraine is a red line. RT’s Charlotte Dubenskij has the latest. (1:13) Then, former UK MP George Galloway weighs in. (4:42) Canada’s government has pledged $40 billion to address the abuse of Indigenous children over many decades. The move comes at the end of a year in which multiple graves were discovered across the country—which exposed the mistreatment of native children, perpetrated by authorities. RT America’s Alex Mihailovich has the story. (10:30) Senior executive producer at Church Militant.com Michael Voris shares his perspective on church involvement in these abuses. (14:00)

01:13 Russia & NATO
04:42 Geroge Galloway
10:30 Canda Galloway
14:00 Church Millitant

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