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Nuclear showdown: Disaster ahead as India-Pakistan talks falter? (Full show)

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Official and back-channel talks between India and Pakistan are slow-going. India's development of a hypersonic missile has the entire region on edge as relations continue to deteriorate between the neighboring nuclear powers. Sourabh Gupta of the Institute of China America studies joins Scottie Nell Hughes to share his insights on the ominous situation. He says a political solution to points of contention between the Pakistan and India are necessary, as military solutions are universally "hair-raising." (19:24)

Washington, DC and 36 US states filed suit on Wednesday against Google for alleged antitrust violations in the Android App Store. This comes mere days after a Judge dismissed the FTC’s antitrust suit against Facebook due to lack of evidence that the world’s largest social media network violates anti-monopoly regulations. "Boom Bust" cohost and market analyst Christie Ai joins Scottie Nell Hughes to share her insights. She says that government officials are attacking "openness" and trying to exert greater control over Silicon Valley and that their stated rationale of "fighting for the little guy" is a façade. (01:08)

A new bill in Congress with apparent support of the Biden administration would see an end to the deportation of undocumented migrants who have served in the armed forces. It also eases the path of veterans who've been deported to return to the US and seek citizenship. Veteran, former Minnesota governor and "World According to Jesse" host Jesse Ventura joins Scottie Nell Hughes to share his insights. He sees the deportation of veterans as but one example of the many ways Washington betrays and otherwise fails the veterans of its wars. (07:54)

A federal judge has found the US Air Force 60 percent responsible for the Sutherland Springs church massacre in Texas back in 2017. RT America's Natasha Sweatte reports on the developments and speaks with survivors of the deadly shooting. (16:52)

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