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Apple's multi-billion dollar 'bribe' to do business in China

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Tim Cook of Apple committed to paying $279 billion in China in 2016, much of it in the form of state-controlled Chinese firms, which is par for the course in China's "pay-to-play" regard for who is allowed to do business there. But, as "Boom Bust" co-host Ben Swann explains, Apple has still to recoup the astronomical sum, iPhone sales there are now stagnating, and the move contributed to the failure of Uber and other US companies from being able to penetrate the Chinese market with its 1.4 billion consumers. (08:45)

Plus, Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon sparred with reporters repeating criticisms of his year-long tenure, which has seen a rise in violent crime. He takes issue with the characterization of his policies as too lenient on crime but was no doubt chagrined at finding himself on the defensive in what was expected to be a soft-ball anniversary celebration. RT America’s Natasha Sweatte reports. (02:22)

Former NTSB official Jamie Finch joins to discuss Boeing's failure to make deliveries on its 737, which has seen more than a year in delays, which has led to canceled flights at American Airlines and other carriers. He says the lost sales and reputational damage have caused considerable harm to Boeing. (13:43)

Ned Ryun of American Majority and attorney Jan Ronis join to discuss a school's controversial decision to vaccinate students, rewarding them with pizza and other incentives, without regard to parental approval. (18:16)

00:00 Full Show
02:22 Rise in Violent Crime
08:45 Pay To Pay
13:43 Boeing Fails To Deliver
18:16 Education Battleground

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Jamie Finch, American Airlines, Dreamliner
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