NDA's Draupadi Murmu on Thursday scripted history as she won the presidential election to become the first tribal woman set to occupy India's top constitutional post. Murmu crossed the 50 per cent mark to defeat Opposition's candidate Yashwant Sinha.
Draupadi Murmu, who also served as Governor Of Jharkhand between 2015-2021, will succeed Ram Nath Kovind to become India’s 15th President. Kovind’s tenure will end on July 24 and the new president will take oath on July 25.
The results were a foregone conclusion after Murmu got a significant lead following the counting of votes of MPs of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Of the 748 valid votes, she got 540, while Yashwant Sinha bagged 204. With each MP having a vote value of 700 in this presidential election, Murmu received a total of 5,23,600 votes, which is 72.19 per cent of the total valid MP votes.#PresidentialElectionResult #DroupadiMurmuVsYashwantSinha #15thPresidentialElection #Election2022ResultLive #PresidentElection2022 #DroupadiMurmu #YashwantSinha #LivepresidnetElection #NDACandidate #RashtrapatiChunav2022 #CountingPresidentialElections #RashtrapatiResultLive #FirstTribalPresident #SupremeConstitutional
Draupadi Murmu, who also served as Governor Of Jharkhand between 2015-2021, will succeed Ram Nath Kovind to become India’s 15th President. Kovind’s tenure will end on July 24 and the new president will take oath on July 25.
The results were a foregone conclusion after Murmu got a significant lead following the counting of votes of MPs of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Of the 748 valid votes, she got 540, while Yashwant Sinha bagged 204. With each MP having a vote value of 700 in this presidential election, Murmu received a total of 5,23,600 votes, which is 72.19 per cent of the total valid MP votes.#PresidentialElectionResult #DroupadiMurmuVsYashwantSinha #15thPresidentialElection #Election2022ResultLive #PresidentElection2022 #DroupadiMurmu #YashwantSinha #LivepresidnetElection #NDACandidate #RashtrapatiChunav2022 #CountingPresidentialElections #RashtrapatiResultLive #FirstTribalPresident #SupremeConstitutional
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