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International Women's Day: is it worth having kids?

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Fertility rates are falling across the rich world, as more and more people are weighing up whether to have children. Raising them can be stressful and cost a fortune, but they might bring you a lot of joy. So all things considered, is it worth having kids?

00:00 - Is it worth having kids?
00:36 - Do kids make parents happy?
03:12 - Why people used to have more children
04:11 - The expense of having kids
05:24 - Parental leave
08:03 - Childcare
09:42 - The “motherhood penalty”
13:45 - The macroeconomics of children

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Which countries have the most generous child-care policies? https://econ.st/41Bze55

What will Joe Biden’s spending bill do for child care in America? https://econ.st/3ESBfQK

How America should spend on child care: https://econ.st/3kHZBFK

Even in lockdown, mothers bear the brunt of child care: https://econ.st/3y2C99k

The struggle to reduce the “motherhood penalty”: https://econ.st/3y6DUlY

The roots of the gender pay gap lie in childhood: https://econ.st/3YbdZnH

Parents now spend twice as much time with their children as 50 years ago: https://econ.st/41IjH3l

What’s the best age to have a baby? https://econ.st/41B7FJ8
The Economist, Economist, Economist Films
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