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Global National: May 11, 2022 | Ukraine claims to have made small gains in Kharkiv region

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On this episode of Global National: Ukraine says it has made progress pushing back Russian forces and reclaimed small villages in Kherson region. Redmond Shannon reports on how some residents have returned home since their community's liberation, the pleas for Pope Francis to help and how Ukraine has suspended the flow of some Russian natural gas to Europe.

Getting quick and quality medical treatment is also not easy for Ukrainian troops in a war zone. Crystal Goomansingh visited a hospital in Ukraine, and spoke with some wounded soldiers about the struggles they're facing.

In Canada, the Peguis First Nation is grappling with unprecedented flooding in southern Manitoba, but it will be far from the last Canadian community to struggle with record-high, rising waters. Eric Sorensen looks at how climate change is transforming Canada's rivers and lakes and how residents will be forced to adapt to the drastic consequences.

Meanwhile, in the United States, although they knew it was doomed from the start, U.S. Senate Democrats have failed to pass a vote to protect the country's abortion rights, as a potential Supreme Court decision overturning the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling approaches. And as Jackson Proskow reports, Republicans are already hinting at, if they get their way, a national ban on a woman's right to choose.

As Canada's federal government faces calls to improve access to abortion, advocates are now also calling for better access to all types of birth control. Abigail Bimman explains why it's a complicated topic and how politicians are responding.

With a devastating war raging back home, Ukrainian folk rap group Kalush Orchestra is poised to win the Eurovision Song Contest, the world's biggest music competition. Heather Yourex-West explains how the band has brought Ukrainian pride centre stage and how its music has turned into a rallying cry.

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