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FULL SHOW: 15,000 troops to deploy for inauguration

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With protests expected across the United States, law enforcement is expected to be on the street along with 15,000 National Guard troops. RT America’s Rachel Blevins reports from Washington, DC. (1:04)

Meanwhile, former congressman and Libertarian presidential candidate Ron Paul of Texas announced on Twitter that he has been unable to manage his Facebook pages. This reportedly comes without any explanation. “Boom Bust” co-host Ben Swann breaks it down. (3:59)

European leaders have openly questioned Twitter's decision to ban US President Donald Trump. Representatives of both the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron warned the tech giant's move raises concerns over freedom of speech. RT's Peter Oliver reports from Berlin. (9:59).

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been spotted riding his bicycle almost seven miles from Downing Street despite his government's ban on people exercising outside their neighborhoods, just days after two women were fined several hundred pounds for driving less than five miles to go for a walk. Those penalties were cancelled after a public outcry. RT's Shadia Edwards-Dashti reports. (18:29)

Plus, the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas will be occurring completely online because of the novel coronavirus pandemic. RT America’s Trinity Chavez explains. (25:31)

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