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COP26: Iceberg weighing 4,000 kg shipped from Greenland to melt in Glasgow

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Scientific activist group Arctic Basecamp shipped a 4,000-kilogram iceberg from Greenland to melt at the COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow.

The founder of the group, Professor Gail Whiteman, said the move is to highlight the importance of Arctic ice to global weather systems to those negotiators trying to reach a deal to halt ever-warming temperatures in the meeting rooms nearby.

The Arctic is in crisis and that's not just bad news for the polar bear," Whiteman said. "That's bad news for countries and societies everywhere."

The group is also presenting the COP with what they call a "bottled warning", which is a bottle of clear melted ice water.

"70 million of these bottles a second are melting off the Greenland ice sheet, based on the research that's been done. And what else can we say? This is a bottled warning and they can't ignore this so that's why we've brought the iceberg and the water to Glasgow," Whiteman said about the bottle.

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/8338716/cop26-summit-glasgow-2021-opens/

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