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Why does Beijing persist with its strict zero-Covid policy? | Inside Story

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China's zero-tolerance approach to Covid-19 involves widespread lockdowns, travel restrictions and mass testing.
But nearly three years after the pandemic was first identified in Wuhan, cases have surged to a new high.
The outbreaks have forced shutdowns in large swaths of the country, despite the strict policy being eased earlier this month.
The repeated lockdowns have led to rare displays of public anger. Factory workers with Foxconn have fought with security forces at the world's largest iPhone manufacturing plant.
Why does Beijing persist with its strict zero-covid policy while the rest of the world is moving on?

Presenter: Cyril Vanier


Einar Tangen - Senior Fellow, Taihe Institute.

Alicia Garcia Herrero - Chief Economist for Asia Pacific, Natixis.

Oksana Pyzik - Global Citizenship Programme on outbreaks of Infectious Diseases, University College London.

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Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera English, Beijing
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