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Why Do Babies Have Such Sensitive Skin?

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Most baby lotions, oils, and washing liquids are gentle and fragrance-free. But why is that? Come learn alongside Angel Laketa Moore (@thatchickangel) why it's so important to take special care of a baby’s skin.

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When babies are first born, oh, they look very special, sometimes even gooey. Just...what is that on their skin? So when the baby is born, there's a layer of vernix—or that kind of greasy, yellowish or whitish covering over the skin. It's thought that the vernix is a protective barrier for the baby in the uterus. And also it's thought to be protective when the baby is born.

Once the vernix is gone, that baby's skin is super delicate—that’s because it's all so fresh! The structure, function, and composition of a baby’s skin is still very much a work-in-progress!
So there are multiple layers to the skin. The topmost layer is the stratum corneum. And it's actually just made of dead skin cells, ...that shed.

Baby skin also doesn't have the same levels of healthy protective bacteria as adults have. The first introduction to flora is when the baby is being delivered. The mom's flora within the vaginal canal gets deposited onto the baby's skin.

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