'Orders of demolition passed during Vasundhara Raje rule', said Congress. Authorities in Rajgarh, Rajasthan's district Alwar, razed an old Hindu temple, prompting local outrage and censure. According to accounts, a JCB was used to demolish the temple's roof and pillars. The temple's idols were destroyed during the demolition. According to a report on India TV, the Shivalingam within the temple was also removed with drills.
According to the report, a video of local MLA Jauhari Lal Meena, in which he is heard claiming that a Congress municipality might have blocked the demolition drive, has gone popular on social media. He allegedly remarked that if the 34 councillors had been brought closer to him, the demolition campaign could have been halted.
According to the report, a video of local MLA Jauhari Lal Meena, in which he is heard claiming that a Congress municipality might have blocked the demolition drive, has gone popular on social media. He allegedly remarked that if the 34 councillors had been brought closer to him, the demolition campaign could have been halted.
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