Taking a dig at Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, Modi said, "More than Rs 1.5 lakh crore has been sent to the accounts of 10 crore farmers, but the poor farmers of this state are yet to get this benefit because 'Didi' (Mamata Banerjee) didn't approve the scheme. I assure not only to give the benefits of the scheme, but also the Rs 18,000 backlog to each farmer."
Confident of winning the ongoing Assembly elections in West Bengal, the Prime Minister said that Chief Minister Banerjee has not only cheated the people of the state, but she has also insulted them by saying that people are gathering at BJP rallies because of money.
Asking the crowd if they came to the rally braving the heat for money, Modi said, "The people of Bengal have fought the British. They have never compromised with the wrong. They are known for their self-respect and this is an insult to them".
Confident of winning the ongoing Assembly elections in West Bengal, the Prime Minister said that Chief Minister Banerjee has not only cheated the people of the state, but she has also insulted them by saying that people are gathering at BJP rallies because of money.
Asking the crowd if they came to the rally braving the heat for money, Modi said, "The people of Bengal have fought the British. They have never compromised with the wrong. They are known for their self-respect and this is an insult to them".
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