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Interim RCMP commissioner hasn’t read mass casualty report but "committed to" recommendations | FULL

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RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme and Assistant Commissioner Dennis Daley, commanding officer of the RCMP in Nova Scotia, spoke on Thursday after the Mass Casualty Commission released its final report on the mass shooting that occurred in Nova Scotia in April 2020.

Speaking to journalists, Duheme and Daley repeatedly said that they have not had the chance to review the report or its recommendations yet. Duheme explained that “[It] doesn't minimize the impact of what took place. I just haven't had time to go through the recommendations,” when reporters asked why they haven’t done so yet despite having received advanced copies.

“I said earlier that I am sorry [for] what the families had gone through,” Duheme said. “What our employees faced that day was never seen in Canadian history. There's no other law enforcement agency that faced the same situation … I know that our members and employees on that day do the best that they could with the equipment and the training they have to put a stop to that as fast as possible. But it was a dynamic, fluid situation that took place.”

The federal-provincial inquiry examined the events surrounding the 13-hour rampage that began in the community of Portapique and ended when the RCMP gunned down the 51-year-old killer at a gas station about 55 kilometres south. The commission’s final report included 130 recommendations, 75 of which were about policing.

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/9590558/rcmp-response-mass-casualty-commission-final-report/

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global news, RCMP Nova Scotia Shooting response, Nova Scotia
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