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How lobbying groups get rich from 'Build Back Better'

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Lobbying firms with connections to President Biden stand poised to reap tremendous profits under his administration’s “Build Back Better” plan, which has critics alleging the plan is for the benefit of those in Biden’s orbit and deeply involved in his long career in politics. Author Tom Mullen shares his insights about the encroachment of lobbyists into decisions on healthcare, government spending and other crucial issues. He believes Biden’s plan is more about “social engineering” than actual infrastructure.

Hollywood insider Sean Stone joins to discuss forthcoming Netflix projects produced by the former Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
In an unpresidential hot-mic moment during a recent presser, President Biden used vulgar and insulting language when irked by frequent interlocuter, Peter Doocy of Fox News. It goes to show the Biden administration isn't quite as journalist-friendly as it would like us to believe, when it comes to critical media. Steve Malzberg of "Eat the Press" joins to discuss.

Then RT America’s John Huddy reports on Europe’s approach to what it calls an “endgame” stage of its struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic before attorney and former state Rep. Rick Green weighs in on what he calls “collusion between Big Pharma and government” that leads to the suppression of effective treatments against COVID-19 and causes needless death for the sake of profit. He calls omicron a “gift” to confer immunity to COVID-19 with negligible side effects.

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