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Greens launch manifesto promising to ‘mend broken Britain’

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Today it was the Green Party's turn to launch its manifesto, with co-leaders Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay pledging to "mend broken Britain". (Subscribe: https://bit.ly/C4_News_Subscribe)

It features some very expensive pledges, like spending an extra 50 billion pounds a year on health and social care by 2030. They want to scrap tuition fees and the two-child limit for child benefit, create 150 thousand new social homes every year and introduce rent controls.

Their Green Economic Transition plan includes 29 billion pounds to insulate homes. They would stop all new fossil fuel projects and take water companies, railways and the big five energy firms into public ownership.

They would pay for all this with a carbon tax on fossil fuels, an eight percent National Insurance rate on income over the Upper Earnings limit, and a one percent wealth tax for assets over ten million pounds and two percent for more than a billion pounds.

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Channel 4 News, Election, General Election
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