In the Assam-Mizoram border clash, an FIR had been registered against Mizoram MP K Vanlalvena. Now, the police have summoned him for a probe in the case. When the police tried to deliver the notice to him, he was nowhere to be found in Delhi and hence the notice was pasted at his Delhi residence.
The tussle is likely to increase as Assam police have also summoned few top officials of Mizoram
Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma has asked the residents not to visit Mizoram for some time.
#AssamMizoramClash #TOPHeadlines #ABPNews
The tussle is likely to increase as Assam police have also summoned few top officials of Mizoram
Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma has asked the residents not to visit Mizoram for some time.
#AssamMizoramClash #TOPHeadlines #ABPNews
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