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Biden admits Russian invasion not imminent, sends troops anyway

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Affshin Ratansi of "Going Underground" joins to discuss the deepening scandal over UK PM Boris Johnson's involvement in social gatherings wherein members of the London elite flouted social distancing at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. He also discusses Johnson's continued meddling in Ukraine as well as Washington's evolving Ukraine posture, which no longer frets about an "imminent Russian invasion" but has deployed 3,000 US troops to Europe.

RT America's Natasha Sweatte reports on CNN's historic nadir in popularity as the network hemorrhages viewers. Then Steve Malzberg of "Eat the Press" and independent journalist Ben Swann react to the sordid brass tacks behind the resignation of the network's CEO Jeff Zucker as the network falls apart and continues its ratings freefall.

Plus, citizens of some countries are seeing an end to onerous COVID-19 restrictions and enjoying a return to normalcy, while elsewhere, mask and vaccine mandates are exasperating the public and forcing the choice between resistance and obedience. RT America’s John Huddy reports on the COVID-19 numbers worldwide. Then policy and communications specialist Priyam Gandhi-Modi, who worked closely with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, shares her insights on what makes an effective response to COVID-19.

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Joe Biden, Ukraine, Jeff Zucker
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