The mastermind of the Amravati murder case has been arrested from Nagpur. With this, Maharashtra Police has got great success. Maharashtra Police said that the mastermind of the murder has been named Irfan Khan. Irrfan Khan runs an NGO named Rehbar in Amravati. Irfan Khan is the mastermind behind the murder of Umesh Kolhe, who used to run a medical store in Amravati. At the behest of Irfan, the 6 accused arrested earlier together had carried out the murder. After Irfan's order, those 6 accused had carried out such a big incident without thinking anything. Altogether, all the seven accused of this murder are now in the custody of the police. Watch the video and stay connected for more updates.
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- 54-year-old chemist, Amravati Chemist, Amravati Chemist Killed
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