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Triggered Right-wingers CRYING About Workers Getting Raises

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The hosts at Fox are upset that wages for the average American worker are continuing to rise and a proposed cap on credit card late fees. Ana Kasparian discusses on The Young Turks. Your Support is Crucial to the Show: https://go.tyt.com/jointoday

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Read more HERE: https://www.meidastouch.com/news/fox-wages-rising-for-workers-is-a-bad-thing

"It's like a funeral on Fox on the days when positive news on the economy is released, which has been quite often over the last year. With economic growth red hot, inflation coming down, unemployment at record lows, and the stock market at record highs, it becomes increasingly difficult for right-wing media and Republican politicians to spin the news that the economy is failing under Biden. Obviously, their spin is working at some level since polls seem to indicate people think the economy is worse than every objective metric shows it to be.

When unemployment was low but inflation was high, they complained that even though people had jobs their wages weren't keeping up with inflation. Now that inflation is down and wages are surging to outpace inflation giving workers more buying power, that also is now apparently bad because they are rising too fast. You really can't win."


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